January 2018 Recap

Chris Spalton
6 min readJan 30, 2018


One of my goals for 2018 is to write more, as well as do MORE of a lot of other things (draw, talk, learn, teach…). This seems like it’ll be a good thing to do, although my friend Sophie Freiermuth called me out on it (in a most positive, constuctive manner!)

So, I thought writing a monthly recap would be a cool thing to start.

Plan is it will not only keep me on track to hit the things I want to do, but act as a useful reminder/journal of my progress, things I’ve been working on, stuff that’s interested me and maybe a nice newsletter thing for you guys. So here goes, in no particular order:

My 2018 Goals Sketchnotes


I’ve been lucky enough to already start 2018 with two talks under my belt already. I was inspired toward the end of last year to put together a talk called “You’re going to die and no-one is going to give a shit” — a strong title which I’m pretty pleased with, just hoping that the talk matches it!

Basically I’ve been heavily inspired by Austin Kleon’s excellent “Show your Work” book and it that spirit I’m trying to help motivate other people into having a go at creating, and putting their work out there.

I’m still a work in progress but hopefully my stories about how I’ve started to do it and the opportunities that have come as a result might inspire other people. The world will be a better place if more people have the confidence to share their ideas and help each other and hopefully I can play a part in encouraging that.

I spoke online for the International Sketchnote Hangout to a collection of Sketchnoters around the world which was a great start to the year, also given the audience, and being a sketch noter myself, it was a true honour to actually get sketch noted!

Such an honour to have been sketchnoted by such talented members of the community as Lorraine Kasyan and Cindy Daupras.. and others! Check out the Sketchnote Hangout Twitter for more.

I also gave the talk at SyncNorwich, a local tech meetup here in the fine city of Norwich, for their first session of 2018 which was a great honour. We’ve got a fantastic community here in Norwich and there was a great turnout even despite the miserable weather, I got some lovely feedback and it was really nice to be able to contribute in some way. It was also a pleasure to talk alongside Phillip Watson and was really interesting to hear about his experiences with Google Design Sprints.

If you’re interested in my talks content you can find my slides here: https://www.slideshare.net/chrisspalton5/youre-going-to-die-and-noone-is-going-to-give-a-shit-86451381

The guys at SyncNorwich also filmed my talk so you can check it out on Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3CnO8ipcpbY


Sketchnote Hangout and it’s amazing organiser Makayla Lewis

SyncNorwich meetup page and Twitter

Check out Phillip’s talk here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5D2Ao-0N2zY

And of course, don’t forget to follow the inspiration for this talk Austin Kleon on Twitter, and most importantly buy his book, it’s really been a game changer for me.


In my work as a User Experience consultant at Foolproof, I’ve had to conduct a lot of user research interviews. I’ve done loads this year already alongside several focus groups as I’ve worked through several projects to kick off 2018.

One thing has stood out really well this year though was a ‘dual’ interview I conducted with a recently married couple looking to take out a mortgage, it was so different, so interesting and so useful that I wrote an entire article about the experience here:


Check it out, and look for times this method may help your research, I honestly can’t recommend it enough.

If you’re interested in the work we do, or are looking for a career in UX (we’ve got jobs going!) Check out the Foolproof site here: www.foolproof.co.uk

The Eelman Chronicles

My creative side project, The Eelman Chronicles, is my comic book featuring true stories about my dad’s adventures as the last remaining eel catcher in the fens. I’ve been working on it on and off but this is the first month I’ve had some true external validation and it’s given me a real confidence and creative boost.

I’ve had three very positive reviews come through this month which has been such a nice feeling. These are from independent reviewers who don’t know me or my dad and to read the reviews and how the stories have resonated with complete strangers has been a real highlight of this year so far. I mean… waking up to a tweet like this? I was honestly shellshocked, honoured, completely humbled and really excited all at the same time.

You can already download most of the stories here for pay-as-much as you want here: https://gumroad.com/cspalton however these reviews have given me a real spark so look out for a printed physical book soon, plans are in motion!

Check out the reviews here:




Eelman book and new story work in progress shots.

Other stuff I’ve enjoyed this month

I got a record player this Christmas so the first time in years, so I’ve been back in the vinyl groove (excuse the pun). Been loving records from Goat, GNOD, Hey Colossus, Grey Hairs and the Bug vs Dylan Carlson. The UK underground scene is in rude health at the moment and it’s been ages since I was this excited and interested in new music.


Listen to these records, they rule.

I also love a bit of weird history and our new offices are in Spitalfields, so there’s plenty of that around the area (Jack the Ripper etc). I was staying over one night for work so went on a little adventure to find 259 Whitechapel Road, the original London home of Joseph Merrick — The Elephant Man. It’s now a Jewellers… I find it fascinating how progress means these places just get assimilated into the city and thousands of people walk past every day without realising the wierd, wonderful and sometimes brutal things that have gone on right under their noses. If anyone has any other recommendations please let me know!

That Jewellers there on the right, next to JD sports was where the Elephant Man was displayed and exploited in London until he was rescued by a surgeon from the Royal London Hospital over the road.

I also really enjoyed The Castlevania Anime on Netflix, I’ve always loved Warren Ellis’ work and the way he wrote what could have been a standard generic fantasy game tie-in was great, absolutely loved the scene in the tavern!

We have also eaten great meals at the Wilderbeest Arms in nearby Stoke Holy Cross, and the new Turkish place Haggle on St Benedicts street in Norwich — both recommended.

Things I haven’t enjoyed

Mark E Smith dying. I didn’t even realise that was possible. Such a singular character, and all time legend, he’ll be sorely missed, but I’m glad I got to see the Fall three times over the years. Twice they were amazing, the other time, they were terrible, all three occasions were equally enjoyable.

The news that my friend just posted to my Facebook wall that the Smashing Pumpkins have reformed. This is worse than Brexit and Trump combined. Humanity is truly doomed ;)

I think that will do for now, I’ve made a start at least.

Be nice, work hard, rock on.



Chris Spalton
Chris Spalton

Written by Chris Spalton

#Sketchnotes, #creative #UX #design consultant at @redgate_ux Underground music fan, and #Eelmanchronicles #comics creator.

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